Links to People with Personal Pictures

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    1. ABERNETHY, Cecil
    2. ADAMS, Howard James "Howie"
    3. ADAMS, Phyllis Ellen
    4. ADAMS, Robert Arthur
    5. ALMEY, James Roy
    6. ALMEY, Marion Beatrice
    7. ANDERSON, Clarence William
    8. ANDREWS, Nancy Gayle
    9. ANGER, Rose Aileen
  10. ARCHER, Glenda Joan
  11. ARCHER, Ivynne M.
  12. ARCHER, Richard Ross
  13. ARTS, Nicholas Laurentinus
  14. ASH, Adam Henry
  15. ASH, Allen
  16. ASH, Clarence James
  17. ASH, Clarissa
  18. ASH, Eliza
  19. ASH, Mabel
  20. ASH, Primrose Vera
  21. ASH, William James
  22. ASHBY, Frederick James
  23. AVIKS, Marylynn
  24. AYKROYD, Nancy Ann
  25. AYKROYD, Samuel Jr.
  26. AYRES, Doris Elizabeth
  27. BAILEY, Barbara Joan
  28. BAKER, John "Jack"
  29. BAKKER, Derkje "Doreen"
  30. BALL, Donald James
  31. BALLENTINE, John Mervyn
  32. BANDSTRA, Henka
  33. BANKS, Doreen
  34. BANTING, Evelyn "Lyn"
  35. BARLOW, Lenna Beatrice
  36. BARNARD, Eva Rose
  37. BARRON, Patrick Edward "Rocky"
  38. BATES, Sheila Margaret May
  39. BAXTER, Joy Eleanor
  40. BEATTY, Bertha Lillian Mary
  41. BEATTY, Ella Jane
  42. BEATTY, Leona Grace Bernice
  43. BEAVIS, Mildred Hattie
  44. BEBEE, Mary Colleen
  45. BECKMANN, Christopher Alexander
  46. BEE, Loretta Roma Doreen
  47. BEGG, Barbara Elaine
  48. BELL-SMITH, Robert Marlett
  49. BESTER, Barbara Anne "Barbie"
  50. BEVAN, Maxwell John
  51. BIGWIN, Evan William
  52. BILCOX, Bernice Edith
  53. BILCOX, Harold Arthur
  54. BIRNEY, Melvin George
  55. BLACK, Andy
  56. BLANCHARD, Ernest George
  57. BLIGHT, Stephen Edward
  58. BOND, Willard Herbert Evans
  59. BOTHWELL, Jeffrey Wallace
  60. BOWEN, Larry Reginald
  61. BOWMAN, Audrey Lewella
  62. BOWMAN, Calvert Godfrey
  63. BOWMAN, Dorothy Alexandra
  64. BOYD, Stanley Nelson
  65. BOYD, Whitney Laverne
  66. BOYD, William Leonard
  67. BRENNAN, Barbara Agnes
  68. BRIDGE, Betty-Ann Fay
  69. BRIDGEN, Edith Annetta
  70. BRIDGEN, Newman
  71. BRIDGEN, William Gordon
  72. BROOKS, Dorothy Mabel
  73. BROOMFIELD, Arthur Robert
  74. BROUGH, Garry Leroy
  75. BROWN, Allan Stewart
  76. BROWN, Edward Raymond "Ted"
  77. BROWN, Kevin "Tupper"
  78. BROWN, Mary Agnes
  79. BUEHLER, Florence Elizabeth
  80. BULGER, Margaret
  81. BULGER, Thomas Hubert
  82. BUNNETT, John Robert
  83. BURKE, Carole Ann
  84. BURLEY, C. Keith
  85. BURLEY, Harriett
  86. BUTTAR, Ronald David
  87. BUTTARS, Joyce
  88. BUTTERFIELD, Gerry Lorraine
  89. CABARDOS, Melanie Diane
  90. CAIN, Ester Jean
  91. CALBERRY, Oscar Ross
  92. CAMERON, Patricia Irene
  93. CAMERON, Zelma Mae
  94. CAMPSALL, John Wilson
  95. CANN, Pearl
  96. CARR, Arlene A.
  97. CARR, Edith Joan
  98. CARRUTHERS, Alexander Hugh
  99. CARTER, John Andrew
100. CASSELLS, Glenna Florentine
101. CAVANAUGH, Catherine Mary
102. CHALLICE, Suzanne
103. CHALOVICH, Mary Ann
104. CHAPMAN, Douglas Reginald
105. CHAPMAN, Willard Cochrane "Bill"
106. CHARD, Barbara Ann
107. CHARLES, Heather Anne
108. CHATTEN, Sylvia Winnifred
109. CHIDLEY, Charles William
110. CHINNERY, Keith
111. CHURCHMAN, Shirley Irene
112. CITRO, Mary Roberta
113. CLARKE, Sandra Dawn
114. CLELAND, James Martin
115. CLINTON, Edward George
116. CLYSDALE, Doris Agnes
117. COBIERSKI, Michael
118. COCHRANE, James Bruce
119. COLLISS, Ernest Anthony
120. CONNOLLY, Helen Adele
121. COOK, Eleanor Ruby Heloise
122. CORMIER, Ronald Joseph
123. COWLE, Donald Gilbert
124. COYLE, John Wilbert
125. CRAIG, Elizabeth Elinore
126. CRAWFORD, Michael Gordon
127. CROSS, Dale Edward
128. CRYDERMAN, James
129. CUNNINGHAM, George Henry
130. CURTIS, Dwaine Dunbar
131. CURTIS, Edward Otto "Ted"
132. CURTIS, Lydia Floris
133. CURTIS, Margaret Rose
134. CURTIS, Robert Carl
135. DAMANT, Stanley Almond Jr.
136. DAVIDSON, Georgina
137. DAVIDSON, Helen Katherine
138. DAVIDSON, Matthew
139. DAVIS, Beverly John
140. DAVIS, Gordon Albert
141. DAVIS, Lena Louise
142. DE BRUIN, Lambertus "Bert"
143. DE JONG, Pietje "Pat"
144. DE MAN, Cornelius
145. DEJONG, Jane
146. DEMPSEY, Carol Ruth
147. DEPINTO, Margaret Anne
148. DEVITT, Jean McKay
149. DEW, Diane Alice Charlene
150. DIDOMIZIO, Gelsomina "Gina"
151. DODDS, Edward E.
152. DONNELL, Marie Cecelia
153. DOUGLAS, Donna Frances
154. DOWLE, John Verdun "Jack"
155. DOWNEY, Marion Arlene
156. DROSI, Giuseppe
157. DUFF, Trevor Herman
158. DUFFETT, Sheila May
159. DUNCAN, Helen Mary
160. DUNLOP, Thomas Earl
161. EAGLESON, John Ross
162. EAGLESON-BUTTARS, Laura Eldora
163. EDWARDS, Keith Lawrence
164. ELEY, Mary Emma "Minnie"
165. ELFORD, Peter
166. ELGAR, Arthur Sidney
167. ELLIOTT, Elmer Ray
168. ENDICOTT, Constance Mary
169. EVERS, Gerrit "George"
170. FACEY, Gordon Willard
171. FAIRMAN, Douglas
172. FALLIS, Douglas Earl
173. FALLIS, Trevor Frederick
174. FANYA, John (Jack)
175. FARRELL, Jean Nora
176. FARROW, Helen Jean
177. FEATHERSTONE, Patricia
178. FEDDEMA, Peter
179. FERGUSON, Dorothy Helen Beatrice
180. FERGUSON, Keith Wilfred
181. FERGUSON, Michele Lee
182. FICE, Herman Henry
183. FIELD, Mary Lenore
184. FINLAY, John
185. FISHER, Audrey Christina
186. FISHER, Eric Hedley
187. FITZPATRICK, Jessica Lee Valan
188. FLANNIGAN, Flynn Michael James
189. FLANNIGAN, Lucy Eileen
190. FLINT, Carolyne Ann
191. FLYNN, Richard Patrick
192. FOOTE, Grace Helen
193. FORD, Flora
194. FORGET, Faith Patricia
195. FORSEY, Shirly
196. FOSTER, Patricia
197. FOX, Susan
198. FOX, Sylvester
199. FRANKLIN, Annie Elizabeth Alice
200. FRANKLIN, William Henry
201. FREEMAN, Barnabas Courtland
202. FREEMAN, John Wesley
203. GABOVIC, Marilyn Margaret
204. GALBRAITH, David Robert George
205. GALBRAITH, Patricia Helen
206. GARDINER, Emma Amelia
207. GARDINER, Ona Isobel
208. GARLAND, Shirley Irene
209. GASPARI, Robert Joseph
210. GAUDET, Raymond C.
211. GIDDINGS, Arthur
212. GIDDINGS, Leonard Joseph
213. GILCHRIST, Charles Frederick
214. GILL, Cecil William
215. GILL, Kenneth
216. GILL, Mary Viola
217. GIRARDI, Ruth Marion
218. GLENNIE, Hugh Denys
219. GODFREY, Linda Jane
220. GOODFELLOW, Francis Robert
221. GOODFELLOW, Samuel Rowland
222. GOODHAND, Ephraim
223. GORDON, Shirley E.
224. GOSLIN, Avery Jonathan
225. GOURD, Frances Erin
226. GRAHAM, Helen M.
227. GRAHAM, Linda Diane
228. GRAHAM, Roy
229. GRANT, Rheta June
230. GRAY, Barbara Jean
231. GRAY, Hal Daniel
232. GRAY, Reginald Morrow
233. GRAY / SCOTT, Hazel Gertrude
234. GRAYSTON, Elizabeth Margaret "Peggy"
235. GREENE, Mildred Gertrude
236. GREENHAM, Elgin C.
237. GREER, Lydia Joan
238. GRIEVE, Madison Peter
239. GRILLS, Lorne
240. GRINGHUIS, Geessien "Jessie"
241. GUST, Mary Mollie
242. HAASS, Henry
243. HALL, Jean Lorraine
244. HALL, Mary Jane
245. HAMERS, Stan
246. HAMILTON, Glenn Stuart
247. HAMPSON, Ruby Eileen Eva
248. HARE, Charles Andrew
249. HARE, Lorna Elinor
250. HARGRAFT, William
251. HARNDEN, Margaret Elizabeth
252. HARPER, Kenneth Keith
253. HART, Joanne Elizabeth
254. HARTFORD, Marion Isabella
255. HAY, Doreen E.
256. HAYDEN, John Walker
257. HEERINGA, Ray
258. HENDREN, John Karn
259. HENDRY, John Brown
260. HENNING, Clinton "Bud"
261. HENRICKS, William Joseph
262. HENRY, Sylvia Diane
263. HEPBURN, Mary Doreen
264. HERRON, Helen Ruth.
265. HESS, Linda Pearl
266. HETHERINGTON, Paul Raymond
267. HOBART, David Frederick
268. HODGES, Leslie James
269. HOLDAWAY, George Allan
270. HOLLOWAY, Ada Mahaleel
271. HOLLOWAY, Carrie Hazel
272. HOLLOWAY, Constance Edwina
273. HOLLOWAY, Grace Elizabeth
274. HOLLOWAY, Harry Oliver
275. HOLLOWAY, Herbert Oliver
276. HOLLOWAY, Ronald Herbert
277. HOLLOWAY, William Harry
278. HOLROY, Jean Dunlop
279. HOOGWERF, Charles
280. HOPPINS, Abiram
281. HOUSTON, Francis Gerrard Jr. "Gerry"
282. HOY, Sandra
283. HOY, Yvonne Jennie
284. HOYLAND, Norma Marie
285. HUTNYK, Gail Helen
286. HUTT, John Herman "Jack"
287. HYNES, Doris
288. INCH, Raymond Frederick Earle
289. JACKSON, Joyce Eleanor
290. JAMES, Joan Elizabeth
291. JAMIESON, Margaret
292. JARRETT, Bessie A.
293. JAYNES, Gene Lillian Rlizabeth
294. JAYNES, Jean Marie
295. JEFFREY, Andrew
296. JERONIMUS, John
297. JOHNS, Myrtle Evelyn
298. JOHNSTON, Patrica Mae
299. JOHNSTON, Steven Raymond
300. JONES, Barrie Ieuan
301. JONES, Sandra Ann
302. JONES, Sebastian Ronnie Alan
303. JUBENVILLE, James Henry "Jubie"
304. KANIS, Patricia Rena
305. KELLETT, Dorothy Anne
306. KELLY, Daniela
307. KEMP, Helen Willena "Billie"
308. KEMP, James Douglas
309. KENEHAN, John Arthur
310. KENNELLY, Mary Agnes
311. KERR, Harold John
312. KETCHESON, Catherine Theresa Garrison
313. KETCHESON, Tobias Bleeker "Blake"
314. KING, Donald Frederick
315. KING, Evelyn Ruth
316. KING, George
317. KING, Kenneth Craig
318. KNIGHT, William Edward
319. KNIGHTS, Donald Charles
320. KNOEPP, Heidi Margarethe
321. KOPPERT, Peter Cornelius
322. KREZANOWSKI, Stephen John
323. LAMB, Doreen Joan
324. LAMB, James Edward
325. LAMONT, Richard Robert
326. LAND, Florence Eveline
327. LANG, Marilyn Louise
328. LANGEVIN, Audrey Helen
329. LANGILLE, Gordon Alan
330. LAROCQUE, David Joseph
331. LATCHFORD, Percy Leonard
332. LAUTENBACH, Elizabeth Annie "Betty"
333. LAVOIE, Joseph Claude
334. LEE, John Walter Erwin
335. LEES, Catherine Jane
336. LEGUARD, Greg
337. LEHIGH, Elizabeth "Betty"
338. LEONARD, Annie
339. LEONARD, Barbara Jean
340. LEONARD, Evor
341. LEONARD, Garth Edward
342. LEONARD, Thomas Arthur
343. LEROY, Edna Bernadine
344. LINTON, Ronald Matthew
345. LONG, Frederick Francis
346. LONGYEAR, Walter William Frank
347. LONSBERRY, Carman Marcus
348. LONSBERRY, Marvel Leslie
349. LOUWS, Adriaan Jan "Andy"
350. LOWERY, Phyllis
351. LOWES, Avril Elizabeth
352. LUCAS, Annie
353. LUCAS, John A.
354. LUXTON, Greta Marie
355. LUXTON, Linda Marie
356. LYNN, Brandon Robert
357. LYONS, Hazel Arlene
358. MACDONALD, Hugh Alexander
359. MACDONALD, Karen Ann
360. MACKAY, Robert
361. MACKIE, Edward David
362. MACKLIN, Mary Madelene
363. MACNEIL, Gordon
364. MAILEY, Jean Marlene
365. MALLOY, Patrick Murray
366. MANNING, James Vilda Russell
367. MARCHAND, Kathleen L.
368. MARIAN, Joseph Glenn
369. MARKOFSKI, Annemarie Marianne
370. MASSEY, Helen
371. MASTERS, Barbara Jean
372. MATTHEWS, Adam
373. MAXWELL, Robert
374. MAY, Stephan Garth
375. MAY, William Harold
376. MAY-CORKERY, Susan Anne
378. MCALLISTER, Morley
379. MCALONEY, Malcolm
380. MCBRIDE, Helen Doreen
381. MCBRIDE, Ian Gordon
382. MCBRIDE, Irene
383. MCCLUNG, Thomas George
384. MCCOLL, John Charles
385. MCCOMB, Shirley Annabelle
386. MCIVOR, Betty May
387. MCKNIGHT, Jean
388. MCMILLAN, Donna
389. MCQUARRIE, Florence Elizabeth
390. MCVETY, Muriel Isbel
391. MERTZ, John Edward
392. MESZAROS, Ligaya "Lily"
393. MILLS, Charlotte Emma
394. MILNE, Catherine Anne.
395. MINIFIE, Brian Hilton
396. MINNS, Darius Elgin
397. MINNS, Ernest Hilliard
398. MINNS, George Reginald
399. MINNS, Mary Ann
400. MINNS, Raymond E.
401. MITCHELL, Robina W.
402. MITCHELL, Virginia Edith
403. MITTS, William B.
404. MITZ, Catherine
405. MITZ, Clifford Allen
406. MITZ, Etta Bernice
407. MITZ, Lewis
408. MITZ, Stella Bertha
409. MOELKER, Adriaan
410. MOFFAT, Norma J.
411. MOFFIT, Marjorie Pauline
412. MONAGHAN, Phoebe Ann
413. MONAGHAN, William O.
414. MONCKTON, Mary Denise
415. MOORE, James Robert
416. MOORE, Robert
417. MOORE, Ronald Frederick
418. MOORE, Shirley Jacqueline
419. MORTON, Donald Spencer
420. MORTON, Madeline Diane
421. MOWAT, Angus M.
422. MOWAT, Angus McGill
423. MOWDAY, Ronald William
424. MULDER, Froukie
425. MUTTON, Ronald John
426. MUTZAK, Lillia Theresa
427. NAIRN, James Sinclair
428. NELSON, Norma Joan
429. NISBET, Mary
430. NOAKES, Doris Louise
431. NOLAN, Dona Diane
432. NORTON, Cynthia Lee
433. NOSEWORTHY, Stephen John
434. O'DONNELL, Irene Emmaline
435. O'GRADY, Shannon Elizabeth
436. O'KEEFE, Doreen Alice
437. O'NEILL, Lyndsy Lee Killen
438. OBUROTA, Denise Cecilia
439. OLAK, Josephine
440. OLIVER, Danya Nicole
441. OLIVER, Florence Eva
442. OLIVER, Joseph Oscar
443. OLIVER, Marilyn
444. OLIVER, Stuart Clive
445. OSMOND, Tracy
446. OVERY, Franklin Thomas
447. OWENS, Donald George
448. PAGNELLO, Joseph
449. PANEPINTO, Rosina
450. PARKS, Jamie
451. PAYNE, Ambrose
452. PAYNE, Matilda Rachel
453. PEACOCK, Daisy Edith
454. PEACOCK, Susan Jane
455. PEARCE, H. R.
456. PEARSE, Paul Lionel
457. PERKIN, Patricia Ann
458. PERRY, Shirley Marie
459. PETERS, George Washington
460. PHILLIPS, Ronald Sterling
461. PHILP, Gloria Beatrice
462. POMEROY, Raymond Vincent
463. POOLE, Ross Thomas
464. POORE, Julia Lynne
465. POWELL, Bertha Prudence
466. PRENTICE, Rodger James
467. PROUSE, Elva Louise
468. PROUT, M. Patricia
469. PUGSLEY, Margaret
470. PUTNAM, Jack David
471. QUIGLEY, Rosemary
472. QUINN, Mathew Bell
473. RANG, Adriana C. "Audrey"
474. RASHOTTE, Mary Evelyn
475. RASMUSSEN, Kenneth Laird
476. READ, Joan Druce
477. READER, Byron
478. READING, Barbara Grace
479. REDMOND, Barbara Audrey Ann
480. REED, V. Dian
481. REID, Barbara Sharon
482. REID, Marjorie Leone
483. REYNOLDS, Vincent Edward
484. RHEBERGEN, Helena Maria "Lenie"
485. RICHARDS, Amanda
486. RICHARDS, Arnold James
487. RICHARDS, Dorothy Isabel
488. RICHARDS, Earl
489. RICHARDS, Ella Blanche
490. RICHARDS, Isaac I.
491. RICHARDS, Mabel Gertrude
492. RICHARDS, Peter Snyder
493. RICHARDSON, Grace Murial
494. ROBERTS, Sarah Emma
495. ROCK, Maurice Adelard
496. ROLLINGS, Francis Beverley
497. ROMANO, Philip Jeffrey
498. ROWE, Doris Marion
499. ROWE, John William
500. ROWLAND, Thomas Glover
501. RUDDY, James Daniel
502. RUTHERFORD, Diana Elizabeth
503. RUTTLE, Leyland William
504. RYLOTT, Raymond
505. SANDERCOCK, Rhoda June
506. SARGENT, Ronald Brealey
507. SCHWANTZ, Wayne Clarence
508. SHANTZ, Merlynn Glenn
509. SHAW, James
510. SHAW, Victoria May
511. SHEARER, Elizabeth Muriel "Betty"
512. SHERIDAN, Raymond Barclay
513. SHOREY, Bessie Irene
514. SIKMA, Howard James
515. SIMMONS, Archibald Hartley "Archie"
516. SKINNER, William Lloyd
517. SKOURTELLIS, Evaline "Eva"
518. SLEEP, Linda Louise
519. SMITH, Alan Bogart
520. SMITH, Anna Geraldine
521. SMITH, Arthur Ernest
522. SMITH, Carrie Louise
523. SMITH, Elizabeth "Betsy"
524. SMITH, Ethel May
525. SMITH, Frank
526. SMITH, Frederick Victor
527. SMITH, James Sidney
528. SMITH, John Franklin
529. SMITH, Mary
530. SMITH, Mary Jane
531. SMITH, Parker
532. SMITH, Patricia Louise
533. SMITH, Sanford
534. SMITH, William Henry
535. SMOKE, Shirley Ann
536. SNEEP, Maurice Henry
537. SNOEK, Hans
538. SNOOK, Tunis
539. SONEY, Joseph
540. SPENCER, Ernest Richard
541. SPOONER, Robert Arthur
542. SPRY, Velma Margaret
543. STACEY, Janet Marie
544. STAINTON, Ray Arthur
545. STANLEY, Audrey Frances
546. STANLEY, Laura Mabel
547. STAPLETON, Phyllis
548. STAUB, Carole Lynne
549. STEVASON, Annie
550. STEVASON, Gilbert
551. STEVENSON, Carl Leslie Bruce "Lester"
552. STEWART, Raymond Lorne
553. STIEGLER, Michaela Louise
554. STRUTH, Barri-Ann Elizabeth
555. STUBBINGS, Kenneth Vernon
556. SUTCLIFFE, Sharon Elizabeth
557. SWIFT, John Eric
558. TACKABERRY, Bernard Lloyd
559. TAYLOR, Evelyn Jean
560. TAYLOR, William Lawrence
561. TENNANT, Murial Esther
562. TERWILLIGAR, Shirley Lydia
563. THOMLISON, Murray Lewis
564. THOMPSON, Charles W.
565. TIMLIN, Ewart Thomas
566. TODD, Margaret
567. TODD, Margaret
568. TODD, Muriel Eileen
569. TODD, Samuel
570. TONISSOO, Olaf Uno
571. TOYNE, Mary Jane Julianne
572. TRAVES, John
573. TREMAINE, Howard Grant
574. TRENEAR, Adline
575. TRENEAR, Arthur K.
576. TRENEAR, Edna M.
577. TRENEAR, John
578. TRENEAR, Mary Jane
579. TRENEAR, Robert Claude
580. TRENEAR, Victoria
581. TRENOUTH, Helen Ann
582. TREW, George
583. TREW, Herbert David
584. TREW, Kenneth Stothard
585. TRUMPER, Stephen James Charles
586. TURK, Clifton Earl
587. TURPIN, Lola Helena
588. URRY, Donald Victor
589. VAN DE MOOSDYK, Johannes Wilhelmus "Jan"
590. VAN DER BELT, Hendrik "Harry"
591. VAN DER PLOEG, Geert
592. VAN DYK, Petronella "Nellie"
593. VANCE, Marjorie Joam
594. VANDENBURG, Gerrit
595. VANDERHEYDEN, Bertus Willem "Ben"
596. VANDERWEL, Maria Geertruida "Riet"
597. VANLUVEN, James Blake (Jim)
598. VANSICKLE, George A.
599. VARLEY, Lee Elizabeth
600. VISSER, Joan
601. VOOYS-MACLEOD, Lydia Johanna
602. VOUT, Gordon James
603. WAKEFORD, Shirley Ellen
604. WALKER, Emerson McElwain (Mac)
605. WALKER, Marguerite May
606. WALKER, Wivan Jean
607. WARDELL, G. Carole
608. WEEKES, Marion
609. WELDON, Lorenzo
610. WELLER, Mercy
611. WELLMAN, Dorothy R.
612. WEST, Gordon Alfred
613. WEST, Norma Doreen
614. WESTINGTON, Leighton Franklin
615. WEYRICH, Ruth
616. WHITE, Annie
617. WHITE, Bertram Albert "Bert"
618. WHITE, Dorothy
619. WHITE, Freda Josephine
620. WHITE, Herman
621. WHITE, William Henry "Hank"
622. WHITEFIELD, Mary Georgina
623. WHITEHEAD, Arnold
624. WICHMAN, Lyle Keith
625. WILCE, Christopher John Francis
626. WILCE, Frances Lulu
627. WILCE, Robert Charles
628. WILCOX, Madlyn Eileen
629. WILLIAMS, Denys Paul
630. WILSON, Ann Rita
631. WILSON, Myra
632. WINTER, Calvin George Lewis
633. WINTER, Doris Loreen
634. WINTER, Joanne Mary
635. WINTER, John Gordon
636. WOODLEY-SMITH, Jane Claire
637. WOODS, Carman Harry
638. WOOLACOTT, Geraldine Mary
639. WOOLACOTT, William Paul
640. YOUNG, Allen
641. ZEKVELD, Pieter Jan "John"


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Delete ALL .shortpixel Files before Compressing

Use these Linux commands at PuTTy cmd prompt

When copying files for ShortPixel Compression, leaving older .shorptpixel files in various folders prevents desired compression from occuring.

Use the following Linus commands at the PuTTY prompt to find and/or delete them:

MUST REMOVE ALL: .sp-lock, .sp-options, .shortpixel before starting shortpixel compressions.
Easy to do with PuTTY:
Simplest way is to do ALL cempix files (chg to cempix dir for concise results; 
     cur dir is 'don't care'; this takes a while; allow to complete):
  # cd ~/public_html/cempix/  			// change dir
  # find . -name .shortpixel -print   	// verify I've got the correct files
  # find . -name .shortpixel -delete  	// delete them 

  # find . -name .sp-* -print   		// verify I've got the correct files
  # find . -name .sp-* -delete   		// delete them

OR, for finer control: ... 
To do selected directories, change to desired dir:
  # cd ~/public_html/cempix/monuments
Find what I want to delete to verify this is what I want (scans all subdir):
 Syntax: find <source_dir> -name <filename> -print    // case sensitive;
 Syntax: find <source_dir> -iname <filename> -print   // case insensitive;
 Syntax: find <source_dir> -name <filename> -delete
 [Paste with Shift-Ins; Ctrl+V does not work]
  # find . -name .shortpixel -print   
  # find . -name .sp-options -print   
  # find . -name .sp-lock -print  
Or options:
  # find . -name .s* -print        // finds only .shortpixel
  # find . -name .sp-* -print   	// finds all .sp-lock, .sp-options
If I've got it right, then delete them all:
  # find . -name .shortpixel -delete        // deletes all .shortpixel
  # find . -name .sp-* -delete   			// deletes all .sp-lock, .sp-options

Other searches:
  # find . -name *.JPG -print   // should not find any; must be .jpg lowercase
  # find . -iname *.BMP -print   // case insensitive; should not find any; must be .jpg
  # find . -iname *.tif* -print   // should not find any; must be .jpg
  # find . -iname *.gif -print   // should not find any; must be .jpg
  # find . -iname *.JPEG -print   // should not find any; must be .jpg
  # find . -iname *.PNG -print   // if found, verify work in cemsearch; make L/C; add to image counts

To RENAME, use move cmd:
  # mv "./1366x768/B/BTHSDAK021; Venhuizen Justin.JPG"  "./1366x768/B/BTHSDAK021; Venhuizen Justin.jpg"

To Rename with wildcards: 

Image Count

File Count in Cempix Image Folders

Filezilla limits directory counts/listings to 7998 filenames; the table below gives an accurate count

PuTTY commands:
   mysql -p -u dmrjscom_david dmrjscom_dbCEMDEV < tblBurials2.sql
   mysql -p -u dmrjscom_david dmrjscom_dbCEMDEV < tblCemeteries.sql

Count of ONLY .jpg files in Cempix Image Folders

Counts should be the exact same for each category or files are missing or duplicated

Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblBurials2457675
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblCemeteries945
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblBurPix40483
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblCemPix525
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblPersonalPix754
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblBurPix40483
/monuments/NEW/nOrig/C: 52
/monuments/NEW/n280x400/C: 52
/monuments/NEW/n1366x768/C: 52
/monuments/NEW/n1920x1440/C: 52
/monuments/NEW/nOrig/N: 323
/monuments/NEW/n280x400/N: 323
/monuments/NEW/n1366x768/N: 323
/monuments/NEW/n1920x1440/N: 323
/monuments/NEW/nOrig/P: 42
/monuments/NEW/n280x400/P: 42
/monuments/NEW/n1366x768/P: 42
/monuments/NEW/n1920x1440/P: 42
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblBurPix40483
/monuments/Orig/1: 890
/monuments/280x400/1: 890
/monuments/1366x768/1: 890
/monuments/1920x1440/1: 890
/monuments/Orig/2: 2435
/monuments/280x400/2: 2435
/monuments/1366x768/2: 2435
/monuments/1920x1440/2: 2435
/monuments/Orig/3: 90
/monuments/280x400/3: 1
/monuments/1366x768/3: 90
/monuments/1920x1440/3: 90
/monuments/Orig/4: 656
/monuments/280x400/4: 656
/monuments/1366x768/4: 656
/monuments/1920x1440/4: 656
/monuments/Orig/6: 526
/monuments/280x400/6: 526
/monuments/1366x768/6: 526
/monuments/1920x1440/6: 526
/monuments/Orig/7: 6545
/monuments/280x400/7: 6545
/monuments/1366x768/7: 6545
/monuments/1920x1440/7: 6545
/monuments/Orig/A: 498
/monuments/280x400/A: 498
/monuments/1366x768/A: 498
/monuments/1920x1440/A: 498
/monuments/Orig/B: 1659
/monuments/280x400/B: 1659
/monuments/1366x768/B: 1659
/monuments/1920x1440/B: 1659
/monuments/Orig/C: 6320
/monuments/280x400/C: 6320
/monuments/1366x768/C: 6320
/monuments/1920x1440/C: 6320
/monuments/Orig/CO: 5242
/monuments/280x400/CO: 5242
/monuments/1366x768/CO: 5242
/monuments/1920x1440/CO: 5241
/monuments/Orig/D: 121
/monuments/280x400/D: 121
/monuments/1366x768/D: 121
/monuments/1920x1440/D: 121
/monuments/Orig/E: 318
/monuments/280x400/E: 318
/monuments/1366x768/E: 318
/monuments/1920x1440/E: 318
/monuments/Orig/F: 931
/monuments/280x400/F: 931
/monuments/1366x768/F: 931
/monuments/1920x1440/F: 931
/monuments/Orig/G: 1511
/monuments/280x400/G: 1511
/monuments/1366x768/G: 1511
/monuments/1920x1440/G: 1511
/monuments/Orig/H: 1815
/monuments/280x400/H: 1815
/monuments/1366x768/H: 1815
/monuments/1920x1440/H: 1815
/monuments/Orig/K: 89
/monuments/280x400/K: 89
/monuments/1366x768/K: 89
/monuments/1920x1440/K: 89
/monuments/Orig/L: 868
/monuments/280x400/L: 868
/monuments/1366x768/L: 868
/monuments/1920x1440/L: 868
/monuments/Orig/M: 471
/monuments/280x400/M: 471
/monuments/1366x768/M: 471
/monuments/1920x1440/M: 471
/monuments/Orig/N: 390
/monuments/280x400/N: 390
/monuments/1366x768/N: 390
/monuments/1920x1440/N: 390
/monuments/Orig/O: 49
/monuments/280x400/O: 49
/monuments/1366x768/O: 49
/monuments/1920x1440/O: 49
/monuments/Orig/P: 5003
/monuments/280x400/P: 5000
/monuments/1366x768/P: 5000
/monuments/1920x1440/P: 5000
/monuments/Orig/R: 94
/monuments/280x400/R: 94
/monuments/1366x768/R: 94
/monuments/1920x1440/R: 94
/monuments/Orig/S: 1107
/monuments/280x400/S: 1107
/monuments/1366x768/S: 1107
/monuments/1920x1440/S: 1107
/monuments/Orig/T: 152
/monuments/280x400/T: 152
/monuments/1366x768/T: 152
/monuments/1920x1440/T: 152
/monuments/Orig/V: 689
/monuments/280x400/V: 689
/monuments/1366x768/V: 689
/monuments/1920x1440/V: 689
/monuments/Orig/W: 2130
/monuments/280x400/W: 2130
/monuments/1366x768/W: 2130
/monuments/1920x1440/W: 2130
/monuments/Orig/Z: 6
/monuments/280x400/Z: 6
/monuments/1366x768/Z: 6
/monuments/1920x1440/Z: 6
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblPersonalPix754
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblPersonalPix754
/personal/Orig/0: 14
/personal/60x60/0: 14
/personal/1366x768/0: 14
/personal/Orig/1: 11
/personal/60x60/1: 11
/personal/1366x768/1: 11
/personal/Orig/2: 8
/personal/60x60/2: 8
/personal/1366x768/2: 8
/personal/Orig/3: 1
/personal/60x60/3: 1
/personal/1366x768/3: 1
/personal/Orig/4: 10
/personal/60x60/4: 10
/personal/1366x768/4: 10
/personal/Orig/6: 6
/personal/60x60/6: 6
/personal/1366x768/6: 6
/personal/Orig/7: 99
/personal/60x60/7: 99
/personal/1366x768/7: 99
/personal/Orig/A: 5
/personal/60x60/A: 5
/personal/1366x768/A: 5
/personal/Orig/B: 38
/personal/60x60/B: 38
/personal/1366x768/B: 38
/personal/Orig/C: 74
/personal/60x60/C: 73
/personal/1366x768/C: 74
/personal/Orig/CO: 196
/personal/60x60/CO: 195
/personal/1366x768/CO: 195
/personal/Orig/E: 19
/personal/60x60/E: 19
/personal/1366x768/E: 19
/personal/Orig/F: 16
/personal/60x60/F: 16
/personal/1366x768/F: 16
/personal/Orig/G: 10
/personal/60x60/G: 10
/personal/1366x768/G: 10
/personal/Orig/H: 23
/personal/60x60/H: 23
/personal/1366x768/H: 23
/personal/Orig/J: 1
/personal/60x60/J: 1
/personal/1366x768/J: 1
/personal/Orig/K: 8
/personal/60x60/K: 8
/personal/1366x768/K: 8
/personal/Orig/L: 9
/personal/60x60/L: 9
/personal/1366x768/L: 9
/personal/Orig/M: 12
/personal/60x60/M: 12
/personal/1366x768/M: 12
/personal/Orig/N: 2
/personal/60x60/N: 2
/personal/1366x768/N: 2
/personal/Orig/O: 6
/personal/60x60/O: 6
/personal/1366x768/O: 6
/personal/Orig/P: 120
/personal/60x60/P: 120
/personal/1366x768/P: 120
/personal/Orig/S: 24
/personal/60x60/S: 24
/personal/1366x768/S: 24
/personal/Orig/T: 15
/personal/60x60/T: 15
/personal/1366x768/T: 15
/personal/Orig/V: 8
/personal/60x60/V: 8
/personal/1366x768/V: 8
/personal/Orig/W: 22
/personal/60x60/W: 22
/personal/1366x768/W: 22
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblCemPix525
Database dbCEMSEARCH total files in tblCemPix525
/cemeteries/Orig/1: 28
/cemeteries/180x180/1: 28
/cemeteries/1366x768/1: 28
/cemeteries/Orig/2: 24
/cemeteries/180x180/2: 24
/cemeteries/1366x768/2: 24
/cemeteries/Orig/3: 13
/cemeteries/180x180/3: 13
/cemeteries/1366x768/3: 13
/cemeteries/Orig/4: 6
/cemeteries/180x180/4: 6
/cemeteries/1366x768/4: 6
/cemeteries/Orig/6: 1
/cemeteries/180x180/6: 1
/cemeteries/1366x768/6: 1
/cemeteries/Orig/7: 4
/cemeteries/180x180/7: 4
/cemeteries/1366x768/7: 4
/cemeteries/Orig/A: 17
/cemeteries/180x180/A: 17
/cemeteries/1366x768/A: 17
/cemeteries/Orig/B: 37
/cemeteries/180x180/B: 37
/cemeteries/1366x768/B: 37
/cemeteries/Orig/C: 127
/cemeteries/180x180/C: 127
/cemeteries/1366x768/C: 127
/cemeteries/Orig/CO: 29
/cemeteries/180x180/CO: 29
/cemeteries/1366x768/CO: 29
/cemeteries/Orig/D: 3
/cemeteries/180x180/D: 3
/cemeteries/1366x768/D: 3
/cemeteries/Orig/E: 10
/cemeteries/180x180/E: 10
/cemeteries/1366x768/E: 10
/cemeteries/Orig/F: 11
/cemeteries/180x180/F: 11
/cemeteries/1366x768/F: 11
/cemeteries/Orig/G: 40
/cemeteries/180x180/G: 40
/cemeteries/1366x768/G: 40
/cemeteries/Orig/H: 44
/cemeteries/180x180/H: 44
/cemeteries/1366x768/H: 44
/cemeteries/Orig/K: 5
/cemeteries/180x180/K: 5
/cemeteries/1366x768/K: 5
/cemeteries/Orig/L: 6
/cemeteries/180x180/L: 6
/cemeteries/1366x768/L: 6
/cemeteries/Orig/M: 18
/cemeteries/180x180/M: 18
/cemeteries/1366x768/M: 18
/cemeteries/Orig/N: 3
/cemeteries/180x180/N: 3
/cemeteries/1366x768/N: 3
/cemeteries/Orig/O: 1
/cemeteries/180x180/O: 1
/cemeteries/1366x768/O: 1
/cemeteries/Orig/P: 42
/cemeteries/180x180/P: 42
/cemeteries/1366x768/P: 42
/cemeteries/Orig/R: 2
/cemeteries/180x180/R: 2
/cemeteries/1366x768/R: 2
/cemeteries/Orig/S: 29
/cemeteries/180x180/S: 29
/cemeteries/1366x768/S: 29
/cemeteries/Orig/T: 6
/cemeteries/180x180/T: 6
/cemeteries/1366x768/T: 6
/cemeteries/Orig/V: 8
/cemeteries/180x180/V: 8
/cemeteries/1366x768/V: 8
/cemeteries/Orig/W: 36
/cemeteries/180x180/W: 36
/cemeteries/1366x768/W: 36
/cemeteries/Orig/Z: 2
/cemeteries/180x180/Z: 2
/cemeteries/1366x768/Z: 2

Count Files Based on First Char of Filename

use phpMyAdmin SQL to execute this:

-- Show all 1->9, A->Z
SELECT LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1) AS All_1toZ, count( LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1)) AS Count
FROM tblBurPix
GROUP BY All_1toZ ORDER BY All_1toZ;
SELECT count( `baseFilename`) AS TotalPictures
FROM tblBurPix;

-- Show total count for all not in 'A,B,C,F,G,L,M,P,S,W' i.e. root dir (we want it below 7000)
SELECT count(*) as CountRootExcludingFolders
FROM tblBurPix
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1), 'A,B,C,F,G,L,M,P,S,W') = 0;

-- Show All but 'B,C,P,W'
SELECT LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1) AS AllButBCPW, count( LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1)) AS Count
FROM tblBurPix
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1), 'A,B,C,F,G,L,M,P,S,W') = 0

-- Show just 'B,C,P,W'
SELECT LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1) AS JustBCPW, count( LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1)) AS Count
FROM tblBurPix
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1), 'A,B,C,F,G,L,M,P,S,W') > 0

-- Show selected two-letter prefixes
SELECT LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2) AS Just2LetterPrefixes, count( LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2)) AS Count
FROM tblBurPix
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2), 'CO,X1,X2') > 0
GROUP BY Just2LetterPrefixes ORDER BY Just2LetterPrefixes;

-- Show ALL two-letter prefixes
SELECT LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2) AS All2LetterPrefixes, count( LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2)) AS Count
FROM tblBurPix
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 2), '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z') > 0
GROUP BY All2LetterPrefixes ORDER BY All2LetterPrefixes;
SELECT count( `baseFilename`) AS TotalPictures
FROM tblBurPix; ;

Use MySQL to write first char of filename to blank field "subfolder"

use phpMyAdmin SQL to execute this:

UPDATE tblBurPix
SET subfolder = left(baseFilename, 1)
WHERE subfolder = "" AND FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(`baseFilename`, 1), 'A,B,C,F,G,L,M,P,S,W') > 0
-- LIMIT 1