The Bewdley Union Cemetery (which is still active) is located in Hamilton township, on C8 L34, in Northumberland County , ON, Canada.
This cemetery:
• was compiled by Ron Smith
• is up to date as of Aug 01, 2003
Map coordinates for this cemetery are not available.
Record taken from a transcription by Mary Tolland and Catherine Milne in April 1986 and updated from a site check July 30, 1996 by Ron Smith. In the summer of 2003, the South Shore Beautification Committee spent considerable time cleaning the property and recovering buried stones. Following this, a reinventory was done in August 2003 by Paul Morton and Ron Smith.
Bewdley Union is a non-denominational cemetery. The oldest part of the cemetery dates back to the early 1850s, was established by Scottish adherents of the Congregational Church. It was located partially on the Cavan Street road allowance in Bewdley. The rest of the cemetery property was owned by private individuals until the 1960s when it was conveyed to the Bewdley Legion who now maintain it. St. Anne's Anglican Church, the church building to the north of the cemetery has no connection with it. Originally the building was a barn that was moved to the present site around 1900. After renovation a stone was fixed in the front gable which reads "Bewdley Church - open to all Protestant denominations -1901". Ministers of various Protestant denominations took turns holding services there until the early 1920s when it remained vacant for several years. In 1927, the land was purchased by the Anglican Synod from Thomas B. Chalk for the sum of $1.00 and the church building was named St. Anne's Anglican Church. In the 1940s the church was further renovated and the basement briefly used as a school for primary grades. Today occasional Sunday services and a weekly communion service are held in St. Anne's.
The following names were found on the Bewdley cemetery plot map but could not be found in the cemetery record: AINSLEY - Joseph, BOYD - David, BRYNES - Frank, COATES - Joseph, HARDY - John, LINDERMAN - Susan, MANLEY - Wilbert, MAYBE - Frank, MAZZOLA - Carol & Roy, McINTIRE - James, McNIESH - William, POWELL - A., POWLEY - M., SIDEY - Frank, STIKELBOS - Marie & Peter, TAYLOR - William, WALDIE - William, WILSON - R. & M.
For full known Cemetery details, click here
Husband of Charlotte O. Stevens. Died of Cerebral Hemhorrage per Canton Circuit Burial Record.
Until such time as a photo "Drag and Drop" function has been added to Cemsearch, here is the way to prepare your photos for inclusion in our database:
• IMPORTANT: FIRST select the person in Cemsearch for whom you want to add a photo, then re-open this help screen.
• You currently have selected Ernest George Blanchard. You can submit photos for his plot's monument(s) or personal photos of just him.
• On your computer, locate the file(s) of the photo(s) you want to submit for Ernest George Blanchard.
• DO NOT make duplicate photos of the same side of a stone for each person shown on it. For example, if husband and wife are both shown on one stone image, DO NOT make two copies of this image; only one is required.
• For MONUMENT Pictures, do the following:
• Copy this code: BEWDUN50;
(MUST include the semicolon)
• Rename the monument files you previously located by pasting this code as a prefix to each filename.
is SPECIFIC to ALL people on this stone or plot.
• For PERSONAL Pictures for JUST this person, do the following:
• Copy this code: BEWDUN50^7;
(MUST include the semicolon)
• Rename the personal files you previously located by pasting this code as a prefix to each filename.
• IMPORTANT: The code BEWDUN50^7;
Ernest George Blanchard and your picture(s) prefixed with this code will appear ONLY for him.
• HINT: for convenience, these codes also appear below the Born/Died dates where you can click on them to automatically copy them.
• ATTACH photos (full size; if you can, limit to about 1-2 megabytes in size) with the prefixed filename to an email and send to:
• If you have further details that you would like included in the "Notes" section, add them to the email as well.
• A caption can be embedded in the filename following the semi-colon, terminated with a tilde (~
). See example below.
• Suppose you have two photos of him with filenames img_2694.jpg
and Blanchard family.jpg
• The specific prefix code for this person's plot is BEWDUN50;
• Your modified filenames will be BEWDUN50;img_2694.jpg
and BEWDUN50;Blanchard family.jpg
• The text following the semicolon can be anything you want (including spaces), for example:
•BEWDUN50; north side of tombstone eroded by nature
• Add a caption as follows (surrounding spaces optional; tilde (~
) marks the end of the caption; otherwise we will use the complete filename):
BEWDUN50; Your caption here~ img_2694.jpg
BEWDUN50; Another caption~ Blanchard family.jpg
• ALL images for Ernest George Blanchard and others on the same stone or plot MUST have the same exact prefix up to and including the semi-colon.
• Suppose you have two images for this person's monument with filenames 40thBirthday.jpg
and Ernest George Headshot.jpg
• The specific prefix code for him is BEWDUN50^7;
• Your modified filenames will be BEWDUN50^7;40thBirthday.jpg
and BEWDUN50^7;Ernest George Headshot.jpg
• The text following the semicolon can be anything you want (including spaces)
• Add a caption as follows (surrounding spaces optional; tilde (~
) marks the end of the caption; otherwise we will use the complete filename):
BEWDUN50; Your caption here~ 40thBirthday.jpg
BEWDUN50; Another caption~ Ernest George Headshot.jpg
• ALL personal photos of Ernest George Blanchard MUST have the same exact prefix up to and including the semi-colon.
• These personal images will NOT appear for others on the same stone or plot.
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