Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne [Peters]

 Picture of Payne - Lillian
Picture of Payne - Lillian
Given Name(s):
 Lillian Pauline Zillah

Maiden Name:

 May 18, 1928    
 Sep 20, 2024    

Lillian is not buried here.

Plot ID:
Person ID:

There are 3 other people on same stone or plot:


Canton, Hope Twp., ON, Canada


The Canton Cemetery (which is still active) is located in Hope township, on C4 L11 & 12, in Northumberland County , ON, Canada.  

This cemetery:
    • was compiled by Ruth Woodruff
    • is up to date as of Dec 01, 2000
    • present RecordKeeper is Peter Bolton

GPS Coordinates: 

Map coordinates for this cemetery are not available.

 N 43° 59' 47"
 W 78° 20' 47"

 A picture of Canton United Church-1
A picture of Canton United Church-1


 A picture of Canton United Church-2
A picture of Canton United Church-2


Additional Info:

The first burial in what is now Canton Cemetery, across the road from an original Bible Christian church, was that of Susan Hawkins, who died April 25, 1811, of smallpox.  Following this, a son Daniel was buried in Feb 1813, a grandson Azel, Oct 20, 1819, and Evalina Hawkins Feb 28, 1833.

Apparently James Hawkins mistakenly buried his wife just off his property on the west boundary of his farm on land owned by Dr.  L.B.  Powers.  On April 15, 1837, James acquired 1 1/4 acres

from Dr.  Powers, which contained the existing graves and all of the land that is now Canton Cemetery. 

On Dec 23, 1837 negotiations began to sell the land to the Wesleyan Methodist Church.  James Hawkins died July 18, 1841 and was buried beside Susan.  The land transfer was completed May

26, 1843 by his son James.  This sale, for "eight pounds of lawful money", included land for "Hope Chapel, a church and meeting house as well as the cemetery. 

On Oct 31, 1931, the cemetery deed was transferred from the United Church of Canada to the Canton Cemetery Trust for one dollar.

On Nov 12, 1989, a parcel of land approximately 1 1/4 acre was purchased on the east side of the cemetery to allow for expansion and the first two sections to be ready in late 1995.

There are many burials with records gone, some broken stones and some effaced so inscriptions are not complete.  Perpetuity money is invested with a trust company and caretaking paid revenue.  Each year some work is done raising stones and improving the grounds.

Cemetery recorded and checked on July 2lst 1976 by Mrs.E.  Barrowclough, Mrs.  Evelyn Wilson, Mr.Cecil Moore and his wife, Jean Hawkins Moore and on July 26th, l976: Mrs.  E. Barrowclough, Mrs.  M. Langdon, and Mr.  and Mrs.Cecil Moore.  Records were updated and checked, July,1996 by John Smith and Ron Smith and

revised, Nov 22,1996 by John Smith.  This cemetery was photographed and updated in May 2020 by Ron Smith.

Cem ID:

For full known Cemetery details, click here


Born Maple Grove Farm, now part of Batterwood Estate in Canton. Died Oakcrossing Long Term Care, London ON; later interment. Predeceased by parents Allan and Yvonne Peters, her eldest child Sandra Payne, her estranged husband Howard Payne (married June 21 1950) and sisters Ruth Tinkess and Jane Rathbun. Mother of Patricia Davidson of Cobourg, Margo Langan of London, Nancy Payne of London, Julie Kent of Simcoe, and Jeff of Spallumcheen. MacCoubrey Funeral Home. Info from obituary.

 Monument Peters - Allan & Yvonne
Monument Peters - Allan & Yvonne

How to Submit Photos for Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne

Until such time as a photo "Drag and Drop" function has been added to Cemsearch, here is the way to prepare your photos for inclusion in our database:

 • IMPORTANT: FIRST select the person in Cemsearch for whom you want to add a photo, then re-open this help screen.

 • You currently have selected Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne. You can submit photos for her plot's monument(s) or personal photos of just her.

 • On your computer, locate the file(s) of the photo(s) you want to submit for Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne.

 • DO NOT make duplicate photos of the same side of a stone for each person shown on it. For example, if husband and wife are both shown on one stone image, DO NOT make two copies of this image; only one is required.

 • For MONUMENT Pictures, do the following:
   • Copy this code: CANTON101; (MUST include the semicolon)
   • Rename the monument files you previously located by pasting this code as a prefix to each filename.
   • IMPORTANT: The code CANTON101; is SPECIFIC to ALL people on this stone or plot.

 • For PERSONAL Pictures for JUST this person, do the following:
   • Copy this code: CANTON101^2; (MUST include the semicolon)
   • Rename the personal files you previously located by pasting this code as a prefix to each filename.
   • IMPORTANT: The code CANTON101^2; is SPECIFIC to Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne and your picture(s) prefixed with this code will appear ONLY for her.

 • HINT: for convenience, these codes also appear below the Born/Died dates where you can click on them to automatically copy them.

 • ATTACH photos (full size; if you can, limit to about 1-2 megabytes in size) with the prefixed filename to an email and send to:

 • If you have further details that you would like included in the "Notes" section, add them to the email as well.


 • A caption can be embedded in the filename following the semi-colon, terminated with a tilde (~). See example below.

Monument Example:

 • Suppose you have two photos of her with filenames img_2694.jpg and Payne family.jpg
   • The specific prefix code for this person's plot is CANTON101;
   • Your modified filenames will be CANTON101;img_2694.jpg and CANTON101;Payne family.jpg
   • The text following the semicolon can be anything you want (including spaces), for example:
   •CANTON101; north side of tombstone eroded by nature.
   • Add a caption as follows (surrounding spaces optional; tilde (~) marks the end of the caption; otherwise we will use the complete filename):
    CANTON101; Your caption here~ img_2694.jpg and
    CANTON101; Another caption~ Payne family.jpg

 • ALL images for Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne and others on the same stone or plot MUST have the same exact prefix up to and including the semi-colon.

Personal Pictures Example:

 • Suppose you have two images for this person's monument with filenames 40thBirthday.jpg and Lillian Pauline Zillah Headshot.jpg
   • The specific prefix code for her is CANTON101^2;
   • Your modified filenames will be CANTON101^2;40thBirthday.jpg and CANTON101^2;Lillian Pauline Zillah Headshot.jpg
   • The text following the semicolon can be anything you want (including spaces)
   • Add a caption as follows (surrounding spaces optional; tilde (~) marks the end of the caption; otherwise we will use the complete filename):
    CANTON101; Your caption here~ 40thBirthday.jpg and
    CANTON101; Another caption~ Lillian Pauline Zillah Headshot.jpg

 • ALL personal photos of Lillian Pauline Zillah Payne MUST have the same exact prefix up to and including the semi-colon.
   • These personal images will NOT appear for others on the same stone or plot.